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肖君拥 教授
























1. 《国家安全法》中的“国家安全”概念,《河南警察学院学报》2019年06期;

2. 总体国家安全观视野中的信息网络安全法治研究,《网络空间安全》2019年05期;

3. 中国国家安全法治研究四十年:回眸与展望,《国际安全研究》2019年01期;

4. 个人数据保护立法的新发展,《中国社会科学报》2018年7月11日;

5. 以“人类命运共同体”理念推进全球人权治理,《人权》2018年01期;

6. 人格尊严的法理、制度与司法适用,《中国审判》2017年25期;

7. 西方人权保障理论的三种路径及其超越,《长沙民政学院学报》2012年03期;

8. 禁止体罚儿童的国际法律规定与国内法律实施,《北方法学》2010年04期;

9. 当代西方人权谱系的裂变,《中国社科院研究生院学报》2009年01期;

10. 中国语境中的人权、文化及其重构,《中国法学》(英文版)2008年01期;

11. 完善我国国家安全立法,《学习时报》2007年7月21日;

12. 论联合国人权保障机制的改革,《国际关系学院学报》2007年02期;

13. 论对社区矫正对象的权利保障及其立法贯彻,《广州大学学报》2006年05期;

14. 国际人权公约与中国人权立法完善,《国际关系学院学报》2005年06期;

15. 西方宪政哲学中有关公民与国家关系的主要理论假说及其嬗变,《岳麓法学评论》2005年卷;

16. 依法执政的宪政解析,《中国人民公安大学学报》2004年02期;

17. 中国基层官员民主选举程序的理论思考与立法建议,《浙江社会科学》2003年06期;

18. 中国宪法的宪政取向与缺失,《法律科学》2003年第3期;

19. 全球化背景下中国法治发展面临的挑战,《法制与社会发展》2002年05期;

20. 全国信息公开研讨会综述,《法学论坛》2001年05期。


Ⅰ. Curriculum Vitae of Xiao Junyong

As a professor of Jurisprudence and Constitution, he previously taught at the Law School of Hunan University and the Law Department in University of International Relations (UIR). Now he serves in Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). Dr. Xiao is also the member of the China Association of Constitutional Law, and the China Society for Human Rights Studies.

Ⅱ. Education Background

1997-–2000,  Hunan Normal University, Master of Laws;

2001-–2004,  Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, PhD of Constitutional Law.

Ⅲ. Working Experience

1994--1997, worked as a secretary and editor in Hunan University;

2000--2004, served as a lecturer in the Law School of Hunan University and a secretary for the honorary dean, Prof. Li Buyun. He assisted Prof.Li to set up the course of “Human Rights Law”;

2004--2020, served as a professor in the University of International Relations (UIR). He gives lectures to the undergraduates, postgraduates as well as police officers. The main courses he has taught include National Security Law and International Human Rights Law, etc.

2007--2008,  Guest researcher of Georgetown University Law Center in USA; 

2015--2016,  Visiting Professor of Law School of Hamburg University in Germany.

He has been selected as an outstanding teacher several times. In 2011, he was awarded for an Advanced Individual in the recognition of national legal education. He also guided students to participate in the National International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition which is organized by the ICRC , and International Criminal Law Moot Court Competition. Among these competitions, his teams had won the first and fourth prize place in China. His course of International Human Rights Law is universally praised within the UIR and exerts a broad influence on mainland colleges and universities.

Ⅳ. Major Professional Achievements:

He has taken charge of and finished seven scientific research projects at the national and ministerial level, covering areas like including legislative study (to protect the rights of prisoners) of Community Correction Act, construction of international human rights mechanism, capacity building for domestic human rights guarantee, guarantee of children’s rights, guarantee of rights of the disabled, guarantee of rights of the aged, and constitutional research. Besides, there are three monographs: Lecture notes on International Human Rights Law (Intellectual Property Rights Press, 2013), and On Constitutionalism: Basic Research on Socialist Constitutionalism (China Social Science Press, 2010), Popular Sovereignty (Shangdong Renmin Press, 2005). The Moral Dimension of Human Rights, (Translator, Commercial Press, 2018); Translations of Selected Foreign Constitutions, (main translator, Law Press, 2015). Moreover, he has more than 50 academic articles published in major periodicals and newspapers such as Legal Science of China, People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, Legal Science, Legal System and Social Development, among which the article “The migration-displacement nexus in China” is collected in The migration-displacement nexus (Berghahn Books Press, 2011) edited by Prof. Susan F. Martin, a famous scholar in the Immigration Research Center of Georgetown University (USA).

In addition to the above achievements, he also finished many research projects on human rights law supported by the Information Office of the State Council, submitted the internal policy consultation reports for the Government and participated in several times the Sino-EU Seminar on Human Rights as Chinese experts for several times. Furthermore, he has taken part in the argumentation on the early modification of Chinese laws including National Security Law and Immigration Law, etc.


Email:  xiaojy2020@163.com


(审核:  张爱秀)