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李华 副教授






国际经济法,WTO 法







1. Study on the New Foreign Investment Law (Draft) of China,《Sogang Journal of Law and Business》,20154月 第5卷第1

2. 公共健康与专利保护之间的博弈:TRIPs协定与TRIPs-plus条款及其实施对中国的启示, Northeast Asian Law Journal》,2014年第7卷第3

3. 我国《专利法》第5条第一款与TRIPs协定一致性问题之探讨, 《法学评论》,2013年第三期

4. Legal Issues of online Copyright infringement and its Remedies in China and Some Proposals for the Solution,《Asian Women Law 201311月第16

5. WTOSCM协定》中的同类产品”——欧美大型民用飞机贸易措施争端为例,《bwin必赢唯一官方网站学报(社会科学版)》20124月第14卷第2

6. Liability of Air Carrier and Its Legislative Problems in China: Some Proposals for its Amendments,《The Korean Journal of Air and Space Law 20116

7.  试论《SCM协定》下事实上的出口补贴-以美国诉欧盟及其成员国影响民用大型飞机贸易措施案为例,《bwin必赢唯一官方网站学报(社会科学版)》,201012月 第12卷第6

8.  Public Policy Space under Exclusion of Patentability provision of TRIPs Agreement Article 27.2, 《Korean Journal of International Economic Law》,2010年第8卷第1

9.  Research on the Legal Issues of Surrogate Mother in China ,201111, 14Asian Women Law



Ⅰ.Basic Information

LihuaKorean Chinese Nationality, Chinese Communist Party Member, PhD of  Seoul National University in International Economic Law, Visiting Scholar of Harvard Law School, Associate Professor of School of Law in BIT Supervisor of Postgraduate.


Ⅱ.Teaching Course

International Economic Law, WTO Law

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

Her main research fields include WTO law, international investment law, international trade law

Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title

Member of Board(directors) of Korean Air & Space Policy Law

Member of Chinese Law Association of Korea

Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects


1.Study on the New Foreign Investment Law (Draft) of China, Sogang Journal of Law and Business, Vol. 5, Apr. 2015, pp.105-133.

2.Balance of Public Health and Protection of Patents: Implication of TRIPs Agreements and TRIPs-plus Provisions to China, Northeast Asian Law JournalVol7, No3, 2014, pp.311-331.

3.Interpretation of Article 5 of Patent Law of China: Some Reviews on its consistency with TRIPs Agreement, Law Review, Vol. 179, 2013 May, pp. 70-74.

4.Legal Issues of online Copyright infringement and its Remedies in China and Some Proposals for the Solution,《Asian Women Law Vol.16. 2013,Nov.

5.Interpretation of "Like Products" in SCM Agreement based on the Critical Study of WTO Decisions on Boeing-Airbus Disputes Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 14, No 2, 2012, pp.113-119.

6.Liability of Air Carrier and Its Legislative Problems in China: Some Proposals for its AmendmentsThe Korean Journal of Air and Space Law,  June, 2011.

7.Interpretation on Article 3.1(a) of “Subsidies, in fact, Contingent upon Anticipated Export Performance under SCM Agreement: A closer examination of EC- Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft CaseJournal of BeiJing Institute of Technology, Social Sciences Edition, Vol. 12, No 6, 2010.

8.Public Policy Space under Exclusion of Patentability provision of TRIPs Agreement Article 27.2, Korean Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 8, No 1, 2010, pp.205-242.

9.Research on the Legal Issues of Surrogate Mother in China, Asian Women Law, Vol. 14, Nov. 2011, pp.127-149


(审核:  张爱秀)