一、基本信息 |
龚向前,教授,法学博士(武汉大学国际法所)、博士后(清华大学bwin必赢唯一官方网站/公共管理学院),英国邓迪大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学访问学者,在《中国法学》、《法学家》和SSCI索引国际期刊上发表论文50余篇,主持承担国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社会科学基金等研究课题,获得过北京市高等教育成果一等奖、中国法学会等颁发的优秀成果奖等多项奖励,现任bwin必赢唯一官方网站国际争端预防和解决研究院副院长。 |
二、主讲课程 |
国际环境法,环境与资源保护法学,国际法 |
三、研究方向 |
主要从事国际环境法、国际卫生法和国际争议解决研究 |
四、学术兼职 |
国际自然保护同盟(IUCN)法律委员会委员; 东亚国际法学报(Journal of East Asia and International Law)通讯委员; 中国卫生检疫专家委员会委员; 国家高端智库武汉大学国际法研究所兼职研究员; 中国欧洲法研究会常务理事; 北京市自然科学基金评审专家等。 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)著作 1.传染病控制国际法律问题研究,法律出版社2011年12月; 2.气候变化背景下能源法的变革,中国民主法制出版社2008年5月; 3. 我国新能源法律制度创新与完善研究,法律出版社2017年12月。
(二)论文 1.《“法律+科技”复合型高端人才培养的实践与思考》,载《学位与研究生教育》2019(3); 2.《促进国家管辖外海域可持续发展》,载《东亚国际法学报》(SSCI)2018(2); 3.《论可再生能源优先准入权的法律构造》,载《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》2017(2); 4.《澜沧江-湄公河流域水资源合作机制》,载《东亚国际法学报》(SSCI)2016(1) 5.《发展权视角下自然资源永久主权原则新探》,《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》2014(2); 6.《技术性国际争端解决的“全球行政法”思路》,载《华东政法大学学报》2013(1); 7.《国际法的“碎片化”与“问题联动”》,载《甘肃政法大学学报》2013(2); 8.《传染病控制与当代国际法变革的新趋势》,载《法学评论》2011(1); 9.《核电厂选址的程序正当性——基于风险社会的视角,中国地质大学学报(哲社版),2011(3); 10.《WTO框架下风险规制的合法性》,载《法学家》2010(4); 11.《病毒共享的国际法问题研究》《法学论坛》2010.09 12.《生物安全保障的法律问题研究》,载《武汉大学学报》(哲社版),2009(3); 13.《论能源法的变革》,载《中国法学》2007(4); 14.《送走瘟神之道——论传染病控制与人权》,《比较法研究》2007(6); 15.《利益平衡与人道关怀——WTO首次修订核心协议述评》,载《环球法律评论》2006(5); 16.《联合国与国际法律秩序的发展》,载《政治与法律》2004(2); 17.《国际争端解决机制与“和平崛起”》,载《战略与管理》2004(4)。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
Dr. Gong Xiangqian is an Associative Professor of BIT Law School. He got Ph.D from Wuhan University (2002-2005); post-doctoral experience in Tsinghua University (2005-2007); academic visitor in Dundee University (2010-2011);academic visitor in University of Waterloo (2017-2018). |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
International Environmental Law, Energy Law |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
His research fields mainly include international environmental law, energy law. |
Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title |
Member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; Correspondent of Journal of East Asian and International Law (SSCI); Member of National Health Expert Committee of China AQSIQ; Researcher of National Top Think Tank of China (Wuhan University Institute of Transnational Law); Member or Standing Member of several National Academic Organization such as the Chinese Society for Environmental Law, Energy Law, WTO Law, etc. |
Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects |
BOOKS: 1.The Energy Law Reform for Climate protection, Chinese Democracy and Legal System Press 2008; 2.Studies on International Legal Issues on infectious disease control, Law Press 2011; 3.Studies on China’s Innovation and Development of New energy law, Law Press 2017.
PAPERS: 1. Understanding China’s Arctic Policy: Three Dimensions, Journal of East Asia and International law, 2018.11; 2.Some Legal Issues on Space Tourism, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social Sciences Edition) 2010; 3.University of Geosciences, 2014(4), CSSCI; 3) On the Global Administrative Law Approach to the Settlement of Technical International Disputes, ECUPL Journal, Vol.1, 2013, CSSCI; 4.On the Fragmentation and Issue Linkage in International Law on Climate Change, Journal of Gansu, University of Politics and Law, Vol. 2, 2013, CSSCI; 5.Cross-Strait Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation Agreement: A First Step towards Nuclear Safety Cooperation in East Asia,Journal of East Asia and International Law, Spring 2012, SSCI; 6. Foreign related arbitration without foreign elements in China: Analysis of Zhaolai Xinsheng Case Journal of East Asia and International law, Autumn 2015; SSCI. 7.The Legal Status of International Standards on Food Safety,Jinan Journal (Philosophy & Social Science Edition) , Vol.3, 2012, CSSCI; 8.Undertaking the common but differentiated responsibility, East Asia Journal of International law, Spring 2011, SSCI; 9.On the Legitimacy of Risk Regulation in WTO Law, JURISTS REVIEW, 2010 (5) , CSSCI. 10.Studies on Legal Issues on Bio-security, Wuhan University Journal (PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL SCIENCES), 2009, Vol.62 No.3 (2009/05) , CSSCI; 11.On the Juris-prudence of Sustainable Energy Law, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2008, CSSCI; 12.The Transform of the Role of Domestic Court with the Evolvement of the International Legal Order, Chinese, Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute,(2007.1) , CSSCI; 13.On the Reform of China’s Energy Law, Chinese, CHINESE OURNAL F LAW (Bimonthly) No.4, 2007, CSSC; 14.Promoting the Sustainable Global Commons: China’s Most Recent Legislative Steps on the Maritime Areas beyond National Jurisdiction Journal of East Asia and International law, 2017.11; 15.Building of the New "Maritime Silk Road" Advocated by China's New Leaders:Constraints and Prospects Journal of East Asia and International law 2014.05. 16.International Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Peaceful Rise, Strategies and Management, 2004 (4); 17.On the Legal Structure of Renewable Energy Priority Access, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Science Edition) 2017 (2) |