一、基本信息 |
胡晓霞,汉族,中共党员,法学博士,bwin必赢唯一官方网站教授、博士生导师,美国威廉玛丽学院访问学者。 电子邮箱:734811379@qq.com |
二、主讲课程 |
民事诉讼法、模拟法庭、民事疑难案例 |
三、研究方向 |
主要从事民事诉讼法、纠纷解决研究 |
四、学术兼职 |
中国民事诉讼法学研究会理事 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)著作 1.与未来握手——在线纠纷解决及互联网消费者保护,北京大学出版社2020年10月; 2.基本原理与理性构建:民事审判前程序构建,中国法制出版社2013年8月; 3.新民事诉讼法适用疑难问题新释新解,中国检察出版社2013年1月; 4.最新中华人民共和国民事诉讼法释义,中国法制出版社2012年10月。 (二)论文 1.习近平法治思想中的程序法治理论研究,广西社会科学2021年; 2. 论法治化营商环境之司法方案,中国应用法学2021年; 3.论中国民事审级制度面临的挑战及其完善,政治与法律2020年; 4. 上诉利益的判断标准,法学评论2019年,《中国人民大学报刊复印资料·诉讼法学司法制度》2019年全文转载; 5. 消费纠纷的在线解决:国外典型经验与中国方案,法学论坛2019年; 6. 习近平总书记关于程序法治重要论述的研究,2018年获第十三届“中国法学家论坛征文奖”优秀奖; 7. “一带一路”建设中纠纷解决机制研究——兼及涉外法律人才的培养,法学论坛2018年,《中国社会科学文摘》2018年转摘; 8. 电子商务争议在线解决机制的科学构建,人民法治·法律实施2018年; 9. The Embodiment of The Thought of”Ruled By Law and Moral”In Ancient, ATENE E ROMA-NUOVA SERIE SECONDA,JAN-JUN 2018(A&HCI); 10. 我国在线纠纷解决机制发展的现实困境与未来出路,法学论坛2017年,《中国社会科学文摘》2017年转摘。 11. 民事主体结构的失衡与完善,中国社会科学报2017年; 12. 全面认识中国企业走出去的法律风险,中国社会科学报》2016年; 13. 民事诉讼管辖制度的新变革——以法解释论为视角,社会科学研究》2014年; 14. 完善证券纠纷代表人诉讼制度,中国社会科学报2013年; 15. 法国民事检察制度及其启示,人民检察2013年; 16. 论民事庭审前程序的功能,法学杂志2012年; 17. 民事庭审前程序之阶段划分,政治与法律2012年,《中国社会科学文摘》2012年转摘; 18. 人民调解协议司法确认疑难问题研究——以人民调解协议变更、撤销及无效认定为视角,政治与法律2013年,高等学校文科学术文摘2013年全文转载; 19. 论法律职业技能培育的实现,人民论坛2012年; 20. 主张证明责任视角下的民法——以不当得利为切入点,暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》2011年; 21. The People’s Mediation New Practice: The Judicial Confirmation,CHINA LEGAL SCIENCE(《中国法学》英文版),2011年。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
With a doctoral law degree, Ms. Xiaoxia Hu is a Han Chinese, a Community Party of China (CPC) member, and a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Law. She once worked as a visiting scholar at the College of William and Mary in the United States. E-mail:734811379@qq.com |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
Civil Procedure Law, Moot Court, Difficult & Complicated Cases in Civil Lawsuits |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
Civil procedure law and dispute resolution |
Ⅳ. Academic Part-time title |
Member, China Civil Procedure Law Society |
V. Main Publications and Research Projects |
BOOKS: 1. Shake Hands with Future: Online Dispute Resolution and Consumer Protection on the Internet, Peking University Press 2020; 2. Fundamental Principles & Establishment of Rationality: Procedural Construction Prior to Civil Trials, China Legal Publishing House 2013; 3. New Explanations & Interpretations for Difficult and Complicated Cases Applicable to the New Civil Procedure Law, China Procuratorial Press 2013; 4. Interpret the Latest Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, China Legal Publishing House 2012. PAPERS: 1. Theoretical Study of Procedural Rule of Law in Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Rule of Law, Social Sciences in Guangxi 2021; 2. China’s Plan for Legalized Business Environment, China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence 2021; 3. Challenges Confronted by the Mechanism of the Levels of Civil Trials in China and Solutions for Improvement, Political Science and Law 2020; 4. Criteria for Judging Appeal Interest, Law Review 2019 (reprinted by Renmin University of China’s Collected Journal Copies: Judicial Institution for Procedural Laws in 2019); 5. Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers: Experiences from the U.S. and Plans for China, Legal Forum 2019; 6. Study on Key Remarks Made by President Xi Jinping on Procedural Rule of Law 2018 (received Honorable Mention Award during the 13th Forum of Chinese Jurists Essay Contest); 7. Study on Mechanisms for Dispute Resolution in the Development of the Belt and Road Initiative & on Training of Legal Professionals for Cross-Border Transactions, Legal Forum 2018 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest); 8. Scientific Development of Online Dispute Resolution for Disputes for Electronic Commerce, People Rule of Law: Implementation of Laws 2018; 9. The Embodiment of the Thought of “Ruled by Law and Moral” In Ancient, ATENE E ROMA-NUOVA SERIE SERIE SECONDA, JAN-JUN 2018 (A&HCI); 10. Present Predicament in the Development of Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in China and Future Solutions, Legal Forum 2017 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest); 11. Lack of Balance and Improvement in the Structure of Main Participants in Civil Lawsuits, China Social Sciences Today 2017; 12. Comprehensively Identify the Legal Risks Encountered by Chinese Enterprises Going Abroad, China Social Sciences Today 2016; 13. New Changes in the Jurisdiction Institution of Civil Procedures: Perspectives of the Theory of Legal Interpretation, Social Science Research 2014; 14. Improve the Litigation Institution for Representatives in Securities Transaction Disputes, China Social Sciences Today 2013; 15. Civil Procuratorial Institution in France and Its Lessons, People’s Procuratorial Semimonthly 2013; 16. A Discussion of the Functions of the Pre-Trial Procedures in Civil Court, Law Science Magazine 2012; 17. Partition of Stages in Civil Court Pre-Trial Procedures, Political Science and Law 2012 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest); 18. A Study on Difficult and Complicated Problems in Judicial Confirmation for People’s Mediation Agreement: Perspectives of Change, Repeal, and Null Confirmation of People’s Mediation Agreement, Political Science and Law 2013 (reprinted by China University Academic Abstracts); 19. On How to Cultivate Technical Skills of Legal Professionals, People’s Tribune 2012; 20. Civil Laws from the Perspectives of Claiming Burden of Proof: A Discussion on Unjust Enrichment, Jinan Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 2011; 21. The People’s Mediation New Practice: The Judicial Confirmation, China Legal Science (English Edition) 2011. |