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爱尔兰都柏林圣三一大学bwin必赢唯一官方网站Aislinn Lucheroni教授讲座通知

    爱尔兰都柏林圣三一大学Aislinn Lucheroni教授将于3月13日(周三)来bwin必赢官网讲学。讲座题目为“What is European Law?”,将概述普通法和大陆法的区别并介绍欧洲法。如果同学们对该议题以及圣三一大学或爱尔兰的其它信息感兴趣,请踊跃参加。
讲座题目:What is European Law?

主讲人:Aislinn Lucheroni教授


Aislinn Lucheroni教授简介:
  Aislinn Lucheroni教授是爱尔兰都柏林圣三一大学bwin必赢唯一官方网站学生交流项目的学术专员。在2011至2012年间,她担任“法律与法语等级”项目的课程负责人,在都柏林圣三一大学给本科生的“法律与法语”课程授课,教授法语翻译、法国社会与政治入门和法国的法律方法。她对比较法研究很有兴趣,并且一直就爱尔兰法律体系、立法和法规为都柏林圣三一大学bwin必赢唯一官方网站的本科生开展研讨会。她可以讲五种语言。2009年在享有盛名的比利时布鲁日欧洲学院获得了欧盟政治与行政学的双语硕士学位。
  Aislinn Lucheroni is the Academic Coordinator for Student Exchanges in the Law School, Trinity College Dublin. In 2011-2012 she held the position of Course Director for the Law and French degree programme. She has lectured on the undergraduate Law and French course in Trinity College Dublin teaching French Translation, Introduction to French Society and Politics and French Legal Methods. She is interested in comparative legal studies, and has taught seminars on the Irish Legal System and Legislation and Regulation for undergraduate students of the Law School of Trinity College Dublin. She speaks five languages, and in 2009 completed a bilingual master in European Union Political and Administrative Studies at the prestigious College of Europe in Bruges.
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