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李寿平 教授














3. 外层空间法专论,光明日报出版社2009年;




1. 和平利用生物科技的新挑战及国际法律规制,法学杂志2023.3;

2. 习近平关于国际法治的重要论述对国际法治变革的原创性贡献,2023.1

3. An Overview of the Situation of Small Satellites According to the United Nations Space Treaties, Beijing Law Review 2022;

4. Global Internet Access from the Low Earth Orbit:Legal Issues regarding Cybersecurity in Outer Space, Journal of East Asia and International Law 2022;

5. 自主武器系统国际法律规制的完善和发展,法学评论2021.1

6. Legal Challenges to the Construction and Operation of Small Satellite Constellations, Journal of East Asia and International Law 2021;

7. 次级制裁的国际法审视及中国的应对政法论丛,2020.9

8. 外空安全面临的新挑战及其国际法律规制,山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020.5

9. 人类命运共同体理念引领国际法治变革:逻辑证成与现实路径,法商研究2020.1

10. 自由探测和利用外空自然资源及其法律限制 以美国、卢森堡两国有关空间资源立法为视角,中外法学2017.12

11. 试论国家境外武力反恐的合法性,法学杂志2016.9

12. 论武力攻击民航飞机的法律性质及其国际责任,当代法学2015年;

13. 美国通用航空产业发展的法治经验及对中国启示,时代法学2015年;

14. 论21世纪航空安保国际法律规制面临的挑战和新发展——从马航MH370事件说起,法学评论2014年;

15. 外层空间的商业化利用及中国的对策,bwin必赢唯一官方网站学报(社会科学版)2013年.

Ⅰ.Basic Information

Dr. Prof. Li Shouping is an academician of International Academy of Astronautics, the Dean of the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT), the General Director of Aeropace Policy and Law Institute of BIT. He was awarded “the new century talent support program of the Ministry of Education” in 2009 and was selected as one of “one hundred Beijing social science theory talents” in 2011.

Ⅱ.Teaching Course

Public International Law, International Space Law, International Institution Law

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

His main research fields include public international law, international space law, aviation safety and international institution law.

Ⅳ. Academic Part-time title

Member of Board(directors) of China Institute of International Law;

Executive Member of Board(directors) of China Institute of Space Law;

Member of Board(directors) of China association of Legal Education;

President of Beijing Society of International Law;

Vice President of China Association of EU Law.

V. Main Publications and Research Projects


1. Modern Legal System on International responsibility, Wuhan University Press 2003;

2. Studies on Legal Issues on Environment Protection in Multilateral Trading System, Chinese Legal System Press 2004;

3. Introduction to Outer Space Law, Guangming Daily Press 2009;

4. The New Development of Space Activities and Its Legal System, Law Press 2016.


1. Some Legal Issues on Space Tourism, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social Sciences Edition) 2010;

2. Fundamental Act of Outer Space of Japan and its Inspirations, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2010;

3. Subsidies for Civil Aircraft Industry in EU and its Member States and its Implications, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2011;

4. New Development of Space Policy of the European Union and the Prospect of European Space Policy, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social Sciences Edition) 2012;

5. Studies on the Legal Issues on National Research and Development Subsidies for Civil Aircraft Industry in the Framework of WTO, Contemporary Law Science 2012;

6. The Space Policy of Obama Government of the United States and Its Impact on International Space Law, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2012;

7. The International Responsibility of Satellite Commercial Launching, Hebei Law Science 2013;

8. Commercial Use of Outer Space and China's Countermeasures, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2013;

9. The challenge and new development of the International Legal Regime on Aviation Security in the 21st Century——Analysis from MH370, Law Review 2014;

10.Inspiration of the Experience of Rule of Law on American General Aviation Industry Development, Present Day Law Science 2015;

11. The Legal Nature and International Responsibility of Force Attacking Civil Aircraft, Contemporary Law Review 2015;

12. International Legal Regime on Development of Space Solar Power Station, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2015.

(审核:  张爱秀)